Monday, November 23, 2009


Even for Victoria, you can tell that winter is on the way. The damp cold tends to go straight to the bones. Today was a good day, just helped 3 of the ships get underway as they go for 2 weeks up the Georgia straight. Working on this years Christmas newsletter and card list.

Had a wonderful time last night at my brother's In-Laws for supper, celebrating my niece's birthday.

I have submitted my leave pass and just need to wait to get it back signed and I can book my flight home. I am looking at flying out of here on Dec 19 and returning Jan 9 or 10.

Hope that you all have a great day.


  1. Oh... I hope for the 10th, then you are here for Joel's birthday!!

  2. Hey dude
    Great to hear you are making good use of your time. We were wondering about your leave as you have not been in that long. What are the chances of you getting that length of time?? As there are others there wanting either Christmas or New Years, it is usually unlikely that one gets both. We hope you do but do not hold your breath!!! I do not wish to be a pessimist but!!!
    Things are going ok here. Your Mom has been out everyday with Gran going to doctors and some shopping. It is pretty boring for me as there is not a lot for me to do. I am sure doing a lot of reading and I am walking in the mornings. Guess I should start on the Christmas letter...thanks for that.
    Take care and let us know about your leave

  3. Dad.

    Venture is shut down over the whole time. They have approved everyone so far and I was told that there should be no reason for me not to get it too. Keeping my attitude positive that it will come through. NTS won't need me over that time either.
