Monday, November 30, 2009

Monday, the start of a new week

Today was great. No rain and periods of nice sunshine. We have not seen that for a while, so it was nice. Work wise, nothing new to report. Today was extremely slow with a lot of standing/sitting around doing nothing. Hope to find out tomorrow whether or not I will be gone to sea for 10 days. If so, I hope to learn how to take the helm (the speed and steering of the ship). Now that would be cool.

Although I didn't run or get to play squash today, I did go for a long power walk along the water front of Victoria Harbour. It is very beautiful.

My room mate is out right now, so the place is nice and quiet. I did get my laundry done this evening. I do enjoy folding warm clothes fresh out of the dryer.

Since Big Bang Theory is a repeat tonight, I am going to do some studying and get to bed early.

Cheers to all and I hope that you have a great week.

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