Sunday, November 22, 2009

AAHHH, the weekend.

Gotta love the weekend. Duty on Friday went without any incidents. I was 3rd Officer of the Day, so there was very little for me to do besides assist with the raising of the Canadian flag in the morning (Colours) and lowering in the evening (Sunset).

Yesterday was a laid back day. Went for a run, worked on the family Christmas newsletter, studied the Collision Regulations, watched hockey, went to the gunroom for a short time and went to bed by 9:30. Slept until 7:30. 10 hours sleep! Guess I was more tired than I thought.

Today I am off to play squash at 9:30, then over to my brother's In-Laws for supper. It is my niece's birthday on Monday and this is her birthday supper (Swedish meatballs and lemon meringue pie). Yummy.

The rain continues today. We saw about 2 hours of sun on Friday afternoon and that has been all for the past 2 1/2 weeks. At least I don't have to shovel rain.

I am so happy to have internet connection again. With the 4 hour time zone difference, I usually get to wake up in the morning to an email from Cynthia. It is such a wonderful thing that it is the first thing I think of when I wake up and can't wait to boot up the laptop to read it. Also saves on the long distance calling card. :)

I hope everyone has a good day today.

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