Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Had a fantastic time with Peter and the family on Sunday. We went to Sidney and saw a Lego display. It was pretty cool. They also have quite a few book stores in Sidney which carry really old and unusual books. It was neat to wander through them and see some of the super old books.

Was going to play dodgeball today, but it turned out to be floor hockey. They needed a goalie and I volunteered. Not too bad, I recorded a shutout. Weather has been dry, but very windy. We were fine here at Venture, but parts of downtown Victoria had their power knocked out due to the winds this morning.

Just had another video conference with Jena and Joel. Got to see Jena's new glasses and top teeth with no braces. She will get the bottom ones taken off tomorrow. Joel and I played a game of bowling on-line.

I am going to focus on a couple of hours of studying tonight and probably watch NCIS.

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