Monday, January 11, 2010

First day back

Well, not a lot happened today. I did not report to NTS, but instead will be working for the gentleman who is in charge of the accommodations here at Venture for the next 3 weeks until my course starts on Feb 1. It is a pretty sweet deal as I will be working in the same building that I live in, so no worrying about getting rides to work. I start tomorrow after I go to the Base Orderly Room to finalize my travel claim from Christmas.

I spent the day getting organized and went for a run on the treadmill. I had wanted to run outside, but the rain was pretty bad and the wind was even worse, so I chickened out and went to the treadmill. I have a long way to go to get back into shape and lose that mini Buddha belly that I have got going on; but will get there with hard work.

Enjoy your day!

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