Friday, January 29, 2010

Getting ready for stage 1

Getting excited for course to start on Monday. I will be spending the weekend preparing. Especially polishing shoes and ironing my uniform while watching lots and lots of hockey on Saturday (Hockey Day in Canada, gang).

I really don't like it when people power trip just because they hold a rank or position. This morning, I showed up for morning Colours as I am on duty at 0737. The orders, which are taped to the desk where we meet states "Duty personnel will muster at 0745 for morning brief". I happened to be the last person to show up and the senior duty officer proceeds to chastise us about being junior officers and setting good examples and that we always need to be 5 minutes early for any timing. He keeps looking at me the whole time. I bit my tongue, but was very close to saying "well, I guess we are all good, since we are all here more than 5 minutes ahead of the timing".

Oh well, a little rant and now I will just learn once again to remember not to treat people like that.

Starting next week, these updates will most definitely increase as my course starts.

Happy Friday everyone!


  1. Good on ya' but I am surprised you did not go back afterwards to say "Hey....." then what you were thinking. What rank was this jerk anyway???
    Have a good w/e and do not get too wound up
    Love ya'

  2. I am glad we will have more posts from you!!! It will be exciting to read about it!!
