Wednesday, October 14, 2009

It's now official

I am now officially an Officer in the Canadian Forces (again). The ceremony was a small one as there was only two of us being sworn in. The other guy was also in Victoria with me for the Naval Officer Assessment Board a couple of weeks ago. My flight out to Victoria is booked for this Tuesday morning at 0535 hrs.
I want to ensure that I get all the projects off my list for around the house done before leaving. I am trying to focus on those and not 'what I need to pack' or 'when do I get the suitcases out' type of thing that seems to be taking up more of my brain space than it should until at least Sunday or Monday.

Today is also Jena's 17th birthday****shudder****

Hard to believe that my little girl is now 17 and will be graduating this year from High School. Her choice for supper this year is dinner out at Montana's. I hope she enjoys it.