Sunday, October 18, 2009

Good times

As the countdown continues; I have been busy running around and getting chores done. So far, so good. My mom and dad were also here for a couple of days. They arrived on Friday and left this morning. It was a good visit and I am glad to see them before I head out west.

Saturday night, we went down to a local pub and had some drinks with friends to say goodbye. Thanks to Bob & Terry, Lynn & Junior, and Mike & Chrissy. I had a great time and am glad that you came.

Since tomorrow is my last day, I feel like I need to get packing or else I might feel panicked. This is not normal for me. I usually just pack the night before and don't worry about it. However, this time, it is not just for a week or so. It is for 2 months (as I will be back for Christmas).

I have really enjoyed spending the time this past week with all of my family and will miss them. I am very grateful for today's technology as it will make communication with them easier.

Have a wonderful day.

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