Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Back up and underway by midnight. Very different when it is pitch black out. We have a full cloud cover with rain, so no moonlight to help the students. At this point, my sleeping pattern is all messed up. It reminds me of jet lag. I figure it will take about 2 days to get back on track; then I fly home and will be adjusting to the time zone difference there too. I think that I will be quite out of it for sleeping patterns for the next week. The winds picked up and the seas became rough. Steering the helm became extremely difficult. As soon as we were anchored at 6:00 AM, I went straight to bed, but had to get up again at 7:30AM for my first duty watch, went back to bed, got up for supper, went back to bed, got up for 9:00 PM for my second duty watch.

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