It was a very cold morning. Turns out that something is broken on the boat and there was not heat on the bridge (bbrrr). Other than that, my duty watch was uneventful. We left Ganges at 0800 and worked out way up to Nanaimo. I spent a couple of hours (broken up) on the helm and was even given the ‘Com’. That is where you are in control of telling the person on the helm where to steer and how fast to go. We had the “man-overboard” floating flag in the water, would drive away from it and then direct the ship to turn around 180 degrees and stop the boat with the flag alongside the boat on the starboard (right) side. It was a blast! When he reached Nanaimo, Jeff and I had to jump in the Zodiac again and zip on ahead to the jetty and wait for the boat so that we could help tie them up. We did not get secured until a little later and had supper around 6:30PM. Tomorrow we start again early at 0700 hrs to go over to the refueling station to take on more fuel and then on to doing more sailing around. We will be staying at Chemainus, which is south of Nanaimo. We will be spending most of the day sailing around the islands. I am starting to understand some of what is being said on the bridge when the Navigation Officer is speaking, but the rest is still Klingon, I think. Although the temperature has been cold, the sun has been out and the sky has been clear. Supper tonight was pork chops and mashed potatoes with mixed veg and mushroom gravy. Another great day to be in the Navy!

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