Sunday, October 21, 2012

Nothing fancy yet

Been a busy weekend. Nice to have the house clean though. Had a fun time with "games night" with Julia and the girls last night. Grateful that Jena could join us as well.

Big grocery shop this morning, but got all our Halloween candy and our pumpkins as well, so that is good. Now to make sure that the boxes stay closed until Halloween.

Stef is home from sailing just for the weekend before he heads off on a 3 month deployment. He and Sandra are coming over for supper. I just made my favorite dessert for the first time (Cherry cheesecake - made with dream whip).  It is always good to visit with them.

So with that all said, I did not get into my library books to learn more about how to properly blog. That's ok, though; as the good thing about libraries is that you have the books for a couple of weeks.

The back yard really needs work, but with the amount of rain that we have been getting over the past week, it has been pretty much impossible to get out there to do any work.

I really hope that my promotion comes in this week. It would have been nice for Cynthia to be there when I get it; but at this stage, I just feel like "give it to me so that I can start getting my better pay"

I am also on the hunt for a good app for my iphone what will sync properly with my microsoft outlook from my laptop. No luck yet. The search will continue.

Going to pick my sweetie up from work, take Lucy for a walk and then get ready to start putting supper together. |Zesty chicken tortilla bake. It is always a hit and we have not had it in quite a while, so I am looking forward to it.

I really need to organize my thoughts better for blogging, that is for sure. This reads like a scatter brain.  Stay tuned as I get better at this, it will be worth it (he says hopefully).

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