Monday, July 5, 2010

They moved the end of the tunnel

Well, I passed 5 out of 6 of the assessed runs. I did not quite pass my Navigator runs, so I had to go in front of a board and justify why I should be allowed to continue with the extra week (Pause week). This was approved. We did 2 more developmental runs last Wednesday and Friday. Today is our first assessed run. The good thing is that I only have to do the Navigator position and not any of the others. We were supposed to start at 8:00 this morning. We were all there getting set up and were mentally ready, when our CTO (Course Training Officer) came in and told us that we would not be starting until 4:00pm today and the same time for tomorrow. I have to pass 2 out of three again. If I do not get both passes today and tomorrow, then I get a third shot at it on Wednesday; but I am not planning on that happening.

Only 4 more sleeps for me and I will be with my family again (Friday night does not count for me as I will be flying all night long). YAY!!! It has been a very long stretch since October, but it is now coming to a close.

1 comment:

  1. You will do fine my Son. Just hang in there and ride with the waves. How did the run yesterday go?????
